Stormtrooper Quotes

Stormtrooper quotes
One of the most iconic lines in the entire franchise (and in movie history), is "May the Force be with you." But there are many more lines throughout the 130+ hours of Star Wars content, and these are some of the best, broken down by which movie or TV show they appear in.
What are famous Star Wars quotes?
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- “Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” — Darth Vader.
- “Let the wookie win.” — C-3PO.
- “Do or do not.
- “Yeah, I'm responsible these days. ...
- “Never tell me the odds!” —
What are stormtroopers code names?
Those of stormtroopers consisted of two letters followed by three or four numerals, as exemplified by LS-005, TK-626, MB-223, TK-421, and TK-5331. Generally speaking, a low number was an indicator of high rank.
What is the stormtrooper paradox?
Essentially, they are child soldiers fighting a war by force. Every stormtrooper has no face, no name, and no individuality. The mask robs them of this, and they will become another casualty that is forgotten by the end of the war.
What are 5 famous quotes?
Quotes by Famous People
- The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -
- The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - ...
- Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. ...
- If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. -
What is Marvel's most famous quote?
100 Best Marvel Movie Quotes
- “I choose to run towards my problems, and not away from them.
- “But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. ...
- “The world has changed and none of us can go back. ...
- “Teach Me.” ...
- “Faith is my sword. ...
- “I had my eyes opened. ...
- “No man can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle.”
What is the most famous line?
A jury consisting of 1,500 film artists, critics, and historians selected "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn", spoken by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in the 1939 American Civil War epic Gone with the Wind, as the most memorable American movie quotation of all time.
What is the most famous phrase?
10 most famous quotes of all time
- "I have a dream." - Martin Luther King Jr.
- "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -
- "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - ...
- "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." -
What was the first line in Star Wars?
Each film begins with the static blue text, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.", followed by the Star Wars logo shrinking in front of a field of stars, as if moving away from the viewer.
What do rebels call stormtroopers?
One of Ezra's favorite things to call Stormtroopers in "Star Wars Rebels." He's also partial to "Bucket brain," "snowmen," "stifftroopers," and "stormbloopers." Kid's got a future as an insult comic if the whole Jedi thing doesn't work out.
What are the GREY stormtroopers called?
Imperial Death Troopers Elite Imperial soldiers, death troopers are encased in specialized stormtrooper armor with a dark, ominous gleam.
What is the most elite stormtrooper?
Imperial shock troopers are a notch above the ranks of regular stormtroopers. Shock troopers are the elite, the best of the best.
What is the coolest stormtrooper?
Star Wars: 10 Most Iconic Stormtroopers
- 8/10 Snowtroopers.
- 7/10 Jumptroopers.
- 6/10 Death Troopers.
- 5/10 Dark Trooper.
- 4/10 Sith Troopers.
- 3/10 Emperor's Royal Guards.
- 2/10 Imperial Shock Troopers.
- 1/10 Republic/Imperial Commandos.
Why does stormtrooper always miss?
The a priori deduction behind all this is again the stormtroopers have been ordered not to shoot and kill our heroes. So they are deliberately missing.
Who was the stormtrooper who said traitor?
FN-2199 was physically portrayed by veteran stuntman Liang Yang, while his voice was provided by David Acord, a sound editor for Skywalker Sound. His scene in the film, where he shouts "Traitor!" at Finn, led to him quickly becoming an internet sensation shortly after its release.
Who is most powerful quote?
21 of the World's Most Powerful Quotes Updated For Today
- “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi.
- “Everybody is a genius. ...
- “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernhard Shaw.
Who is the strongest quote?
Strongest Quotes
- “Complaining is truly my strongest weakness.”
- “I am strong... ...
- “The kind of love which makes us stand against everyone and defend a stranger is the strongest one.” ...
- “The strongest person is not the one who is able to do something, but the one who is able not to do what he has the power to do.
What is a powerful quote?
15 Powerful Quotes On Success
- 1) Success is No Accident.
- 2) Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts. ...
- 3) Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count. ...
- 4) He Who is Not Courageous Enough to Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing in Life. ...
- 5) Don't Wait for Opportunity, Create it.
What is the Marvel motto?
The meaning of "excelsior": The Latin word Marvel legend Stan Lee made his motto.
Who said Strongest Avenger?
Bruce Banner then gives it a shot with “Banner,” prompting the ship to say “Welcome, strongest Avenger.” Confused, Thor says “Uhhh… what?” Since the ship has Bruce Banner and supposedly Thor's voice on file, it's probably the Quinjet Hulk was seen flying off in toward the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron.
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